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FANNYPANTS® Pads & Other Things You Didn't Know Could Go In The Washing Machine

by Sophia Parker on June 03, 2014

Appliance, FANNYPANTS® Pads & Other Things You Didn't Know Could Go In The Washing Machine

FANNYPANTS® makes you feel confident with its stylish leakproof incontinence underwear. But that's not all! The Award-Winning technology, including its pads, can be washed in the washing machine and last 200 washes!

Making your life more convenient is part of FANNYPANTS® mission.

Here are our top 10 items that can be washed in the washing machine:

1. Car Mats

Just add Dawn Dishwashing Liquid along with hydrogen peroxide directly to any stains you want to remove one hour prior to throwing the mat in the washing machine and you're all set!

2. Pillows

Pillows should be washed at least twice a year. Check the care label to confirm that your pillow can be machine washed – most can be. Use mild liquid detergent rather than a powder to avoid residue. Wash a pair of pillows together to keep the machine balanced and run them through the rinse cycle twice to rinse them fully.

Drying Pillows:

For down and feathers, use the air cycle and dry fully. Make sure they are completely dry as dampness left in the pillow can lead to mold. For synthetics, use the low heat setting as high heat can cause clumping. 

3. Curtains

Keep in mind that the sun can damage and weaken the fibers of curtains after long exposure.

  • Always wash your curtains on the delicate cycle. Even if the fabric is thick.
  • If your draperies are heavily soiled, wash in warm water if the manufacturers label recommends it. Otherwise, it is best to wash your curtains in cold water to keep shrinking and fading to a minimum.
  • If your curtains have dark colors, it’s worth the money to invest in a detergent specially designed to protect the colors
  • We recommend using a detergent like Woolite, designed for delicate fabrics.

Always dry your curtains on gentle cycle (tumble dry is best) with low or no heat. It might take longer, but it will definitely make your curtains last longer.

Drying your curtains with a hot cycle can set wrinkles, fade colors, and shrink the material. Even if you plan on hanging your curtains on a clothesline to dry, you should think about putting them in the dryer for at least 15 – 20 minutes. It will help avoid wrinkles and ironing.

Don’t dry your curtains all the way in the dryer, either. You should machine dry them until they are still just slightly damp, then hang and arrange them back on the rods. The weight will help them hang better than if they were dried completely.

While you have damp curtains hanging, don’t open any windows, vacuum, dust, or otherwise clean the room. Your curtains will attract all the dirt and dust, and dirt on damp fabrics is likely to stain. Your work will be wasted!

4. Sneakers

Put your sneakers into a pillow case or mesh laundry bag. This prevents them from causing harm to your washing machine. If at all possible, wash your sneakers separately in a small sized load. Use cold water and half a cup of mild laundry detergent. Once the cycle is done, immediately remove your sneakers and put them somewhere flat and water-proof to air dry. Do stuff the insides with newspaper, if you don’t, your shoes will lose their shape. Also, wait until your sneakers are completely dry before wearing them again.

5. Gym Bag

Wash your gym bag after three uses. For some this is every week. For others …. not so much. A stinky gym bag is not a badge of honor (ask teenage boys). It’s just a stinky bag.

6. School backpack

If you are a busy bee that has no time to wash backpacks, set some time during Thanksgiving Break and President's Day, your kids will thank you! 

7. Yoga Mat

Just use mild detergent and a gentle cycle. See gym bag...

8. Bath Toys

Mildew loves bath toys. I don’t want to freak you out more than that.

9. Legos

I love picking up legos to wash them because this reduces the chance of me stepping on one late at night. Wash them with the bath toys.

10. Stuffed Animals

Wash them with your sneakers and dry them in the same area.

11. Bonus – Incontinence Pads (Again)

With FANNYPANTS® washable pads, you don't have to worry about incontinence underwear. We make your life easier by changing on the go and washing the pads in the washing machine. 


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